Thursday, July 21, 2011

My Darling Daisy

While I've been away, I gave birth to a beautiful daughter. Her name is Daisy Joy and she was born in July, yes July! One of the hottest months of the year! Last Thursday, she turned one. She has grown from such a little sweet pea to a darling little girl!
Born 4 lbs 13 oz
She is now just about 20 lbs and is the smartest little girl in the entire world!

Im a Godmother

When I was little, my older cousin Gwyn was my idol. Now that we're grown up and have kids, I still look up to her. She's an amazingly strong and beautiful woman. A few weeks ago she called me and asked me to be Godmother to her second daughter, Hailey. What an honor! Of course I said YES!

Catholics are funny people... being one, I get to participate in all the odd things that we do. Baptism is one of those things. There is oil and water and a bib and a candle? Why do we need all these things to purify an already pure soul is beyond me, but Hailey took it like a champ!

Which reminds me, we need to get Daisy baptized. I feel bad I've procrastinated this long.

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Easter was a bit depressing this year. I keep wishing that both my little boys could be here with me and just can't understand why we got dealt the hand we have. But I am thankful to have one living child, he is the best thing to ever happen to us.

My mom came over this morning and gave little D a blue bouncy ball, it was so cute, I can't wait for him to be able to play with it. Then Doug, the baby and I went to go visit angel dougie. We made him an easter basket and got him a beautiful arrangement.

Then we were off to the in laws for dinner and dying eggs, we had a really great time. The kids had lots of fun playing together and so did the adults :)

Friday, April 3, 2009

Swim Class

On Thursday we went to swim class at Kids First Swim School. It was our second time but first time taking pictures! My mom came with my sister Kathleen and later Mrs. Connie came to see us play in the water. It was really fun. We all got dressed and were waiting around so my mom snapped a few good shots.

Here is Dougie, Little D, and I

and Kristen with Keira!

They finally let us into the water, we were supposed to be putting the kids on the noodle's but dougie decided he was going to steal them all and use them as a flotation device for himself as seen in the picture below...
We had an amazing time, we sang humpty dumpty, pop! goes the weasle, and ring around they rosey.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Shrimp Feast!

Hi everyone! On Saturday we went to a shrimp feast! It was kind of fun. We got there late and left early. My mom and Kathleen watched little Dougie and Mrs. Connie, Mr. Doug, Dougie and I headed to the party.

We got there and ate lots of shrimp, pasta salad, coleslaw, ect. Then the games started!!! They have wheels you can put money on and if your number comes up you win. I won a pot of flowers that I gave to my mom when I got home.

and Dougie won a bottle of Captain Morgan

It would have been a better night if the music was better to dance to, they played 80's music all night, it was horrible! It put me in such a bad mood because I love going there and dancing! Regardless, the others had fun tearin up the dance floor...

Friday, March 20, 2009


this was one of the st pattys day pics taken. I will send family a link to order pics son! Love to all!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Saint Patricks Day!

Yesterday was St. Patty's Day. It was a busy day! My Mom came over for Lunch, we had spinach salad with chicken and mushrooms and added a nice sweet raspberry dressing. 4 points on weight watchers :) After that the baby and I went to the Picture People to get his 3 month portrait done and I dressed him up in his little shamrock outfit. I snapped some pictures before hand because he was soooo cute!

After the pictures were done we went and saw Pappy (my father) and spent some time there because we didn't see him on sunday like we normally do. Then Mrs. Connie called because she had Keira and wanted to go for a walk. So I headed over to her house and we went on a nice 20-30 minute walk around the community. It was colder than I thought it would be, but it seemed like lil D had a good time.

Finally we were home! I made a really yummy dinner, parmesean breaded chicken, sweet steamed baby carrots, and grilled asparagus! OMG it was so good!!! And only like 7 points! I had lots of points left over for snacks, which always makes me happy!

I also learned the meaning of the Irish flag this St. Patricks day. The orange is for the Protestants and green is for the catholics and the white is for the peace between them. Pretty cool!